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Advanced Sports Conditioning Specialist

Corrective Exercise Specialist

Senior Fitness Specialist

Precision Nutrition

I was not born with award winning genetics or the financial backing to afford the best of the best. I work hard, train hard and study hard every single day. 

I am someone who has struggled with weight, nutrition, fitness and balance my entire life. I know how hard it is. The restrictions, the rigidity, the failures, the fads, the burnout, and the mental barriers that go with all of it. 

Since I live that struggle and fight that fight every single day, I am here to bring you knowledge and experience. I have lived your journey. I know the ups and downs and believe me, the reward is worth every ounce of struggle. 

Know that there is no ending point. It is a day to day fight and if you let me, I will guide you through this journey to LIFELONG success.

There is a light in the darkness. Let's start today. 

my story



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