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have your CAKE

and EAT IT too.

learn what true balance feels like with the art of choice.  

You can have the foods that make you happy, bring you joy, reverse time and still reach your fitness and health goals. If someone tries to tell you (or sell you) otherwise, they either don't know enough about nutrition or they're trying to take your money by selling you a program built for failure. Probably both. 

We coach using the power of choice.


Choose to have a treat; don't just blindly eat it. By actively making a choice, you regain the power that so many believe they have lost. As soon as you accept that what happens to you, good and bad, IS, in part, YOUR doing; the chains that hold you down will fade away, releasing you into a world of opportunities. Choose to blame others and you choose to stay the same. 

I'm not saying that this is going to be easy. It's likely going to be one of the hardest things you've ever done, but like any thing that you want to last forever, you have to start light, right not strong and wrong. Do you plan on giving up sweets, carbs, meats and fruits for the rest of your life? Hell no! Then why would you cut it all out in the first place? All that does is mask a symptom instead of solving the problem.  

After all, there are no good or bad foods; just action followed by reaction. Sometimes the cake isn't worth it, but sometimes, you better believe it is! Choose balance and choose to succeed. Forget the fad diets that leave you in a worse position then where you started, and choose meaningful, lifelong change!

Everyone has a choice. Which will you choose? 

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