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Once Graduating from Phase Two, you can choose to move to the Final Level: Phase Three.


Phase Three is designed for Elite Nutrition and Fitness Goals: Fitness Competition, Fitness Modeling, Photoshoots, Weddings, Reunions, etc. This phase is TEMPORARY and is only meant for short term/extreme gains. This level of Nutrition Should Not and Cannot be done year around. 


Building on the Nutritional Foundation of Phases One and Two, Phase Three challenges you to be the most Elite Version you can be.



Phase Three

  • Includes:

    *Weekly Facetime Assessments

    *High Accountability 

    *Sports Nutrition Guidelines 

    *Daily Nutrition Journal Feedback

    *Daily Motivation

    *On-Call (8am-9pm) Online Office Hours 

    *Personalized and Updated Nutrition Recommendations per Event

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